This project explores the physical limits of medium format photography while discussing communication issues that are deeply affecting the United States' political (and consequently, social) system. Photographing myself while speaking and then scanning the underexposed negatives, I produced soft-focused images with faint distinctions between figure and ground. The larger the image, the more abstract the subject becomes, breaking down visual coherence. Only one speaker is ever seen; in only one image is an ear shown, but in almost every image is a mouth apparent.
This body of work animates a division that is running rampant within the United States. Americans no longer engage in political conversation to hear others, but to hear themselves. The resulting anger, frustration, and isolation can be seen throughout this body of work.

1, 2019

2, 2019

3, 2019

4, 2019

5, 2019

6, 2019

7, 2019

8, 2019

9, 2019

10, 2019

11, 2019

12, 2019

13, 2019

14, 2019

15, 2019